Hybrid Layers
Hybrid Layers

This project enhances the
well-being of a serval at the Roger Williams Park Zoo by providing interactive and stimulating enrichment. Designed to engage the serval’s natural instincts, it encourages exploration, problem-solving, and physical activity.
In captivity, the absence of hunting can lead to a decline in motor skills and reflexes. This tethering toy helps counteract that by challenging the serval’s agility, balance, and precision through dynamic, unpredictable movement.

This enrichment tool was constructed using a combination of metal and 3D-printed components to ensure durability and modularity.
The core structure consists of an aluminum rod with a threaded top, allowing for easy attachment of interchangeable enrichment elements. The base is assembled from a series of 3D-printed components, designed in Rhino and printed at full scale over several days.
Before final production, a small-scale prototype was printed and demonstrated to the zookeeper for approval, ensuring the design aligned with the serval’s enrichment needs. The modular design enables zookeepers to customize the enrichment experience by swapping attachments, promoting varied and sustained engagement.
Construction & Fabrication